The mandatory measures for prejudicing civil action, regulated in Chinese Civil Procedure Act, is not perfect both in theoretical basis and in practical application. 我国民事诉讼法中规定的妨害民事诉讼强制措施,无论是理论基础还是具体适用上都存在一些问题。
When the diagnosis is in doubt it is mandatory to seek a rapid diagnostic procedure. 极须寻求一种迅速、简单而正确的诊断方法。
The new company law introduces the judicial mandatory dissolution institution of corporate deadlock, but doesn't regulate the application of the procedure, which brings puzzles to the judicial practice in exercise. 摘要新《公司法》引入了公司僵局的司法强制解散制度,但因对程序适用未作规定,给司法实践操作带来困惑。
Research on Certain Issues Auction in Mandatory Executive Procedure 强制执行拍卖若干问题研究
The rules concerning taxation administrative mandatory regime are principally stipulated in Tax-levying Law of People's Republic of China which promulgates the categories of mandatory means as well as the procedure and authorizes the taxation administrative authority to independently exercise the mandatory power. 我国关于行政强制的规定主要体现在《中华人民共和国税收征管法》中,《税收征管法》赋予了税务机关独立行使行政强制的权力,规定了税务行政强制的种类和程序。
Speeding up the process of urbanization becomes the thematic in the process of new century economic and social development and should be urgent to plan urban and rural economy development. Moreover it is a mandatory procedure to construct the socialist harmonization. 加快城市化进程,是新世纪经济社会发展的主旋律,是统筹城乡经济社会发展的迫切需要,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必由之路。
Government procurement, is defined as government and its affiliates purchase commercial products and services in accordance with the relevant mandatory method and procedure, for the smooth operation of its daily administration activities and public services. 政府采购,是指各级政府及其附属单位为了日常政务活动的开展或者为公众提供公共服务的需要,按照法定的方式和程序,购买商品和服务的一种行为。
Mandatory arbitration mechanisms, as a complement and extend of the mutual agreement procedure, has made up for the deficiencies of mutual consultation procedures to a certain extent, making international tax disputes be solved effectively. 该强制性仲裁机制作为相互协商程序的补充和延伸,在一定程度上弥补了相互协商程序的缺陷,使国际税收争议得到有效的解决。
Product recall procedure, including provisions for product recall procedure, active specified products mandatory recall procedures and regulations of product recall summary procedure. 产品召回程序的规范,包括规定产品主动召回程序、规定产品指令召回程序及规定产品召回的简易程序。